First Coast House of God

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I'm A Soldier of the Lord
(tune:Rise, Shine, Give God the Glory)

Rise, shine, give God the glory
Rise, shine, give God the glory
Rise, shine, give God the glory
I'm a soldier of the Lord.

I've got my helmet, helmet, helmet of salvation--
I've got my helmet, helmet, helmet of salvation--
I've got my helmet, helmet, helmet of salvation--
I'm a soldier of the Lord.

I've got my breastplate, breastplate, breastplate of righteousness--
I'm a soldier of the Lord.

I've got my belt, my belt, my belt of the truth--

I'm a soldier of the Lord.

I've got my shield, my shield, my shield of faith--

I'm a soldier of the Lord.

I've got my sword of the spirit, my sword, God's word--
I'm a soldier of the Lord.

My feet are ready, are ready with the gospel of peace
I'm a soldier of the Lord.

First Coast House of God ~ 8119 New Kings Road ~ Jacksonville, FL 32219